Learn Audio Engineering

We have developed a two day course (10 hours total) which covers nearly everything you need to start mixing for yourself/professionally. Having worked with hundreds of artists over thousands of mixes, we have condensed an entire curriculum into two days which promises students a look into the technical, philosophical and the business side of the audio industry. Contact us for pricing.

Mixing Room


Studio 2 Analog Gear

Day One - Concepts

We will explain in depth how to logically apply plug-ins/hardware to a mix (EQ, Compression, Saturation, Reverb, Delay, Etc.) as well as explain the concept of a mix both scientifically and philosophically. No more pre designed effects chains.

Day Two - Application

We will run students through simulated real life scenarios and walk them through an entire mix down (multi-tracks up) while encouraging the direct utilization of what was taught the previous class. We provide students with comprehensive notes to follow as well as offer access to our entire mixing stations use, familiarizing them with the importance of varied playback mediums. All students leave having completed a mix.