Professional Audio Book Recording In Calgary

At SAD Entertainment in Calgary, we take pride in our Audio Book services. Our team, consisting of audio engineers (who also happen to love audio books), have a deep understanding of what makes an audio book pleasurable to listen to.

Why record an audio book in a recording studio?

We utilize the best recording techniques and a wide variety of microphones and outboard gear to tailor the specific frequency range of your voice (see our equipment list for more information on this). An audio engineer will be present throughout the recording session to provide professional support. Our studios are designed to prevent any irritating frequency buildup and echoes, resulting in a refined final product. One of our studios strong suits is post production, and by request we are more than happy to work tirelessly in assuring your recordings sit comfortably in your audiences ears. Given our wide variety of plugins/multi studio setup - we can ensure that our recordings are free from harsh sibilants and dynamically inconsistent audio, which is common plague to audio books. We offer the tools and expertise to help create a finished product that you can be proud of, and listeners will be able to enjoy for years to come. Therefore, we believe it’s of the utmost importance to have your audio book recorded and edited at a professional studio because studios are trained to prevent the issues presented above from cropping up (ie; poor recording, poor post production). Many of these problems may fly under the radar until customers begin demanding refunds because of painful “S” sounds and distracting room echo which could take them out of the books narrative, so with that in mind - it’s always best to get things done right at the source.

Multi-Studio Setup

Time is money in this industry. Audio book post production can be quite expensive due to the sheer amount of time it takes an engineer to comb through the often 8+ hour audio file. Our multi studio setup can effectively cut the time it takes to process your audio in half. Two trained engineers will work aside each other in separate rooms at the same time (engineer 1 will be tasked the first half of the book, engineer 2 tasked the second), to minimize time spent in studio, save you money, and get your work back to you as fast as professionally possible.


Company Jingle Production


Why do recording studios cost so much?